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Fulbrook Amenities Group

We are in need of additional members to join our Amenities Group to help arrange and organise events.

Anyone with ideas for the Amenities group please feel free to contact Malcolm Taylor (07788 391665), the clerk or any other councillor.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To provide support for Fulbrook Village amenities through fund raising and volunteer actions.
  2. To help keep and develop the strong fellowship within the village through social help and events.

Amenities include:

  • The War Memorial
  • The kids' playground
  • The Defibrillator
  • The Millennium steps
  • Signage (speed limit 30)
  • Equipment: Marquee and Tea Urn

Fund Raising and other events include:

  • Plant Sale (annual event)
  • Fulbrook Clean-up (twice per year)
  • Christmas Carols